Sunday, November 4, 2007

Countdown to Jack's Birthday: FOUR DAYS

Well, they say time flies when you're having fun. I guess that's what this is. Fun, games, kisses, cuddles, and a whole lot of work!

Two years ago, I could not even imagine the life I have today. I remember the day - the Monday before Thanksgiving 2005 pretty vividly. I was going in to have my uterus reconstructed for many reasons, one of which was that if I did it, I MIGHT be able to have children in some distant and unimaginable future. On the other hand, it might not work, my uterine problems might get worse, and they might have to take the whole thing out before I turned 25.

If you are here, I guess you already know that I was very definitely able to have at least one child. Of course, the discovery of that ability was rather surprising. I went to the doctor for my last battery of post-op tests. I needed a sonohysterogram to make sure everything was alright after the reconstruction and hemorrhaging that followed it. When I went in for that test, they did a blood test for pregnancy just in case. I did not have the shg, but instead got set up for the first ultrasound of my pregnancy.

And now? Well, he's going to be ONE on THURSDAY! I can't believe how time has just flown by. My tiny little baby is.... NOT! He walks and talks and wreaks all SORTS of havoc all over my apartment.

And yes, it is hard at times (okay, MOST times), but we're still here, and we're still together, and that's got to count, right?

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